Monday, January 4, 2010

A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban

Zoe Elias is a ten year old girl with big dreams. HUGE, really.

The problem is, life doesn't always give you want you want.

You can tell that right away in the book because the first chapter is titled: How it was Supposed to Be. The second chapter: How it is.

Zoe faces a lot of the same issues most young girls do, like:
  • School (ugh)

  • Best friends (or rather friends who used to be your best friend, but have decided that they like hanging out with someone else now just because they live in the same big house neighborhood and love wearing the same sparkling t-shirts)

  • Strange friends (like the one that follows you home from school each day...doesn't he have a home of his own?)

  • Parents (A mom who is always at work, and a dad who doesn't like to leave the house)

Author, Linda Urban, gives Zoe a great voice. She is funny but not mean and let's not forget...she can play a mean organ.

Oh? Did I forget that part?

What Zoe really to learn how to play the piano.

What Zoe an organ. A Perfectone D-60. (It's in the book!)

Turns out she is pretty good at it too!

This is a fun book about realizing that life doesn't have to be perfect to be ok.

(reviewed by Marianne Follis)

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